Posted by Unknown
Posted on 16.56
PT. UNICHARM INDONESIA membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi, semangat untuk berprestasi, mampu bekerja secara pribadi memiliki maupun tim, komitmen dan integritas serta berpenampilan menarik untuk bergabung bersama kami, untuk posisi sebagai berikut :
Internal Audit Supervisor Karawang (Jawa Barat) - KIIC Karawang Barat
- To assist IA Manager by checking and evaluating Internal Control Implementation, J-SOX, and Risk Control Management in comply with management policy and HQ Policy.
- To ensure accuracy of Financial Report, Effeciency of Operational, Safeguarding of Asset and Compliance of law.
- To monitor, analyze and report the implementation of recommended improvement actions.
- To conduct Internal Audit Program and Implementation
- To cooperate with External Auditors, IA, HQ, IA subsidiaries
- Have experience of internal audit and internal control expecially for FMCG (Fast Moving-Goods Company)
- Have a good understanding of financial report, internal audit, internal control, J-SOX, and IFRS